About us

Who is Chuchu

in the beginning of 2022 our 16 year old Chihuahua developed a cancerous tumor that led to a series of daily seizures, she began to lose weight and things were looking bad . The only solution was a a surgery we could not afford . In order to pay for the surgery to remove the tumor , we started selling candles and wax melts as a side hustle to afford the surgery and after care/ medication . The ultimate goal was to get her health back on track as quickly as possible. Thanks to our determination and amazing customers, we were able to afford her surgery in time. After a successful surgery , her seizures stopped and she began to gain her weight back . after a couple of week she was back to her usual self and we were on cloud 9. during this time, she was spoiled in every way possible, Little Chu was given an entire year of life . In her old age she was hard of hearing, and her eyes were foggy . but she was still our baby until the very end . on the morning of September 12, 2023 Little Chuchu at 17 years old passed away in my arms . She was laid to rest that afternoon in our backyard in an old patch of grass she used to sun bathe in as a puppy . We continue this business in honor of our beloved Chuchu.
She enjoyed long walks, warm blankets and back scritches.
we are forever grateful for the years of joy she brought us and we will continue to honor her legacy through the love we put into our hand made products . What motivates us the most is the positive reactions we get from our customers when they smell our products.

To make our Candles and all other products , we only use the highest quality ingredients to ensure long lasting scents that will make your home and car smell like a tropical getaway, or a delicious dessert .
Our candles are natural soy , and smell amazing . Our unique blends transport you to another place where nothing can hurt you ♥

Day and Robert Trevino

We are the makers of all Chuchus products . the first time we ever made candles was in 2017, when we learned the basics in order to make blueberry pie candles as favors for our wedding guests. Little did we know that learning the basics that year would be the foundation of a small business only 5 years later.

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